Amer Foundation for Services and Business Development

في أمر نتميز بالابتكار والاحترافية في تقديم  مجموعة متنوعة من الخدمات التي تهدف إلى تسهيل حياة الأفراد والشركات ، حيث نعمل على تلبية احتياجات عملائنا بأعلى جودة ودقة بفريق محترف لتلبية احتياجات العملاء بسرعة وكفاءة، ونسعى جاهدين لتحقيق أهدافكم وحل مشاكلكم بكل دقة واحترافية. سواء كانت خدمات حكومية او خدمات قطاع خاص، نحن هنا لخدمتكم من اجل  تحقيق أعلى مستويات الرضا لكم

Management consulting

Innovative creative solutions

Management of electronic platforms

Public services

التدريب والتأهيل

Our services

Establishment of companies

digital marketing

Corporate restructuring

permits from Ministry of Health

استخراج تصاريح وزارة الاستثمار

Obtaining permits from Ministry of Education

Obtaining permits from the Ministry of Commerce

Obtaining permits from the Ministry of transport

Obtaining safety licenses

Obtaining an investor license

Obtaining visas for business visits

Booking services via Modon platform

تسجيل العلامات التجارية

تنظيم المعارض والمؤتمرات

تأسيس الشركات الكبرى ومتناهية الصغر الأجنبية والخليجية والمحلية

Our goals

High quality services

We provide services that meet the needs and expectations of our customers to meet their needs and solve their problems


We aim to constantly develop and improve our processes to meet changing needs and improve the user experience

easy procedures

We make government and private procedures more accessible and easy to meet the needs of our customers


We provide support for the development of society and the economy by providing our services effectively


We aim to achieve our customers ' satisfaction by providing reliable solutions based on our expertise


We work with full transparency with customers and ensure the integrity of services while respecting their privacy

Frequently asked questions

Amer office for services and business development is a specialized center that provides comprehensive solutions for all government and private needs in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


We offer a comprehensive range of services, including obtaining permits and licenses, renewing stays, obtaining visas, and assisting clients in various government and private procedures.


The first step is to contact us to accurately determine your needs and get a free consultation, where we will guide you step by step to make the most of our services with ease and convenience.


We work with a variety of organizations and companies, including safety companies, engineering companies, and any organization or company that needs our services in facilitating procedures and business development in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Yes, we offer work permit renewal services for domestic workers in accordance with government regulations and legislation.


We work with a variety of organizations and companies, including safety companies, engineering companies, and any organization or company that needs our services in facilitating procedures and business development in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Yes, we offer work permit renewal services for domestic workers in accordance with government regulations and legislation.

Articles and news

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