Frequently asked questions

Questions about the Amer Foundation

Amer office for services and business development is a specialized center that provides comprehensive solutions for all government and private needs in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


We offer a comprehensive range of services, including obtaining permits and licenses, renewing stays, obtaining visas, and assisting clients in various government and private procedures.


The first step is to contact us to accurately determine your needs and get a free consultation, where we will guide you step by step to make the most of our services with ease and convenience.


We work with a variety of organizations and companies, including safety companies, engineering companies, and any organization or company that needs our services in facilitating procedures and business development in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Yes, we offer work permit renewal services for domestic workers in accordance with government regulations and legislation.


We work with a variety of organizations and companies, including safety companies, engineering companies, and any organization or company that needs our services in facilitating procedures and business development in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Yes, we offer work permit renewal services for domestic workers in accordance with government regulations and legislation.