تأسيس الشركات الخليجية
Embark on the journey of your business success in Saudi Arabia
شركة آمر للخدمات تقدم حلولاً متكاملة لتأسيس الشركات الخليجية في المملكة العربية السعودية، حيث نسعى لتسهيل دخول المستثمرين الخليجيين إلى السوق السعودي بخطوات مرنة وسريعة. من خلال خبرتنا الواسعة وفهمنا العميق للبيئة القانونية والتنظيمية في المملكة، نساعدك في تأسيس شركتك وفق الأنظمة السعودية بأقل جهد ممكن. تشمل خدماتنا إعداد الوثائق القانونية، تسجيل الشركة، فتح الحسابات البنكية، وتنظيم الأمور المالية والإدارية، بالإضافة إلى توفير الاستشارات الاستراتيجية التي تضمن نمو أعمالك وتوسعها بنجاح في السوق السعودي.مع شركة آمر، يمكنك الاعتماد على دعم كامل لتخطي أي تحديات قد تواجهك في مرحلة التأسيس وتحقيق أهدافك التجارية بكل سهولة ومرونة.
Steps to open a company in Saudi Arabia
Our team of consultants works hard to guide you step by step through the overall process of business establishment, from start to finish, providing you with all the necessary and up-to-date information. We are here to help you understand all the details necessary to successfully launch your business in Saudi Arabia, in full compliance with local regulations and laws. We will support you at every stage, from choosing the right type of company, through registration and obtaining the necessary licenses, to launching and expanding the business, to ensure a strong start and a promising future for your business in the kingdom.
Contact us
- Get a free consultation from Amer
- Define the legal structure of the company
- Select company activities
- Book a business name for your company
- Identities of owners, partners and managers
- Business name reservation
- Determine the type of entity (enterprise/company)
- Authorization or legitimate agency
- Identities of owners, partners and managers
- Investment license application form
- Certified budget or financial statements
- Commercial registration (certified by the Saudi Embassy)
- Authorization or legitimate agency
Obtaining an investment license (for foreign companies)
Get a commercial register of your activity
National address registration
Registration in zakat and taxes
Opening a company bank account

Establishing a company
We provide full support to investors, whether local, Gulf or foreign wishing to enter the Saudi market, with specialized directions for establishing companies, including legal, administrative and financial consultations, registration with government agencies, social insurance, professional visas and employment, and obtaining the necessary licenses.
We provide comprehensive support to those wishing to establish or expand their companies in Saudi Arabia, whether they are citizens, foreigners, national or Gulf companies. We provide guidance on administrative and organizational procedures, including registration on all necessary government platforms, obtaining the necessary records and licenses . Our experts are ready to guide you through the incorporation process efficiently, taking into account the most appropriate legal structure for your business. We make it easy for you to complete all the necessary steps for the success of your business in Saudi Arabia.
"Amer" specializes in the establishment of companies and business solutions our team strives to be dynamic, innovative and outstanding in the business industry . We lead the way towards innovation and creativity with a focus on customer experience and service delivery. We provide customized consulting, services and infrastructure to accelerate the establishment process in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries, and help our clients align their business priorities with the future vision.
What do we offer you
Amer Services provides a wide range of services, reaching more than 500 services needed by enterprises in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia; whether through its team or through partnership with Amer partners, as it has a qualified team and partners to complete services with high accuracy and in a quick time.
Legal compliance
Our team ensures that your company is compliant with all relevant laws and regulations, including labor laws, Health and safety regulations, environmental regulations and other laws and regulations
Work permits and visas
We will help you get the necessary visas and work permits for your employees. We provide personnel management services to handle recruitment of your staff and help you meet the requirements
Establishment of company
we will help you register your company with the relevant government agencies and obtain the necessary licenses and permits in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia as soon as possible and without complications.
Zakat and taxes
We will register your company with the General Authority of Zakat, tax and Customs and we ensure that your business and transactions comply with all tax laws and regulations of saudi arabia